Ultravision Films and Video Production Jack Ballo launched Ultravision Video Productions in 1985. The production company produced videos ranging from cable TV programs, commercials, special events, sports and legal services, to all types of corporate and business productions. By 1990, Ultravision grew into a full production facility with over 10 employees at their South Amboy, NJ studio. The company went on to specialize in corporate video productions that included promotional videos, training, product and safety, as well as creating meeting presentations and website videos. After twenty years in the video production business, Ballo downsized Ultravision Video Productions and started working on humanitarian film projects in addition to their corporate video work. He discovered a rewarding balance between making documentaries that tell important stories and producing high quality video productions for corporate clients. Today Ultravision Films LLC, as the company is now called, works exclusively on documentary filmmaking telling stories that the traditional media refuses to cover.